Name: Don (Godfather to my friends)
Age: 23
Grade: sophmore (i took time off and am going back to college next semester)
Location: California bay area
Gender: Male
Single/Taken: Single
Color: black
Televison show: Family Guy, Courage the Cowardly Dog (when it used to be on), Best Week Ever, and really weird Taboo shows on Discovery/History channel
Movie: Godfather, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dr Strangelove, Drop Dead Goregous
Bands/singers: Cheap Trick, Green Day (their old stuff), Dexy's Midnight Runners and other one hit wonders, Gorillaz
Quote: "Why don't you just crucify my love!" - a line one of us used in an arguement that is now an inside joke
Clothing Store: whatever. i don't care
What is the meanest thing you've ever done?: Wolfed down my little brother's birthday cake when he wasn't looking and replaced it with a potato chip. He was five and it was the last piece, but he was being annoying.
What's the meanest thing someone else ever did to you?: Cut up my brand new guitar strings. I never found out who did it.
Tell us about your most embarrassing moment: My brother grabbed a porn mag (present from my 18th birthday) and paraded it around the house... in front of guests and my parents.
A random/interesting fact about you: I used to be in a band, but it's disbanded because everyone moved. And i'm a guy appling to a Mean Girls Community...
Describe yourself in 3 words: Bored Mean Girl
What are you wearing right now?: jeans. too hot for a shirt.
Where did you hear about us? Molly promoted (
If you found us by a LiveJournal interest, what word did you search?:
Comments on the communtiy/members: Overall, i like the layout (mod pictures on the side and all the side information in a column), but I don't like how everytime i click on something a square fade comes up. It slows down my computer.
Do you know any members here?: Molly you're beautiful. Vote for me; I curled my hair, applied lipstick, and everything!
What would you bring to this community?: If you like sarcasm, i have plenty of that.
Promote us to three places and post the links:
Say something mean about these people. Be creative!
Your best friend: Itsy Bitsy Spider practically sums up your life.
Your worst enemy: you look like a potato
with thumbnails in it.
Your current boyfriend (or an ex, if you're single): You're so touchy -feely that petting zoo animals run in fear
old band picture
ack, here are the promotions. it kept messing up so i'm just going to tag it to the end