So, I took my old computer home, and got it fixed up. My friend reformatted it, and hooked me up with a wireless router. Yay! Not that I really needed internet, but I wanted it. Just so I have something to do at home.
I found a CD case full of old PC games at my moms. I'm particularly excited about the game The Neverhood. Oldschool 95/96 claymation, point and click puzzle game. I tried to run it on my laptop, but it didn't like Vista. Installed in on my old pooter with XP, and it works fabulous!
This is my fave part thus far:
Click to view
Anywhos, Work has been kickin' my ass latly. Long hours and less in between off days. S'ok tho. I need the money. I neeeed to get my car fixed up, and got Fluffy to worry about. He's still having poopy problems, even with all the meds he's on. I'm beginning to consider surgery, as much as I dread the thought... I think it might the only way he will find relief. But I'm scared for the possible complications, discomfort and a lifetime of uncontrollable bowels. :( Ugh, I don't know what to do. I wish I could take him to get cleaned out every week. I totally would if I could afford it.