(no subject)

May 29, 2009 19:57

Fluffy is continuing to have poop problems and I don't think it's going to get any better. He's been to the vet twice this month, and they diagnosed him with megacolon. He's probably going to have to be on medications his entire life, and may even need surgery down the road. He's so young too, it's just not fair. I'm very upset about this. I can't believe this has happened to my baby. I tried so hard to be a good mommy, raised him the best I could, fed him holistic foods, opted for natural litters, made sure he didn't get into any chemicals around the house, and still, he's ended up sick. I've spent so much money on him, and only going to spend more... And I can't bear the thought of putting him down. It may be the cheap way out, but I feel like it's such a horrible thing to be euthanized for. If it were incurable cancer, leukemia, or something that caused massive amounts of pain and suffering, yea then maybe I'd consider it. But constipation? Just seems so, for lack of a better word, lame! what a way to go... But I'm not going to put him down, as long as I can help it. I may need to get a second job tho...

And to top off the poo problems that Fluffy's having, Kuku had an episode last saturday. He couldn't pass one either. Which is so weird because he's never had a problem going. But he was BAD. I had to work that day so I couldn't take him directly to the vet, or else I would have. But he spent the entire day trying to pass a crap, and when I got home that night, He was crying and bleeding and the stool was sticking out of his rectum, but he just couldn't pass it. So I rushed him to the pet hospital. I don't know what I'm going to do if this is a continued problem for him. I'm having trouble affording one cat, let alone two getting cleaned out... Kuku seems to be ok though. For now at least. ugh...

Sorry to write about my kitty craps, but I needed an outlet. I'm kind of at my wits end here. I'm dropping so much money only to find that nothing's working. I wish money wasn't such an issue, but don't we all? Can I ask a small favor of whoever is reading this? send some good healing vibes to my kitties? Please? It's not much, but it helps...
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