Bush Speech to National Guard

Sep 17, 2004 02:53

"My most solemn duty as president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch," Bush said.

Oops! Too late!

"It is critical that the president of the United States speak clearly and consistently at this time of great threat in our world, and not change positions because of expediency or pressure," Bush said.

Yeah, okay...

"You have had many famous Americans in your ranks, including men named Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln and Truman," he said. "Nineteen individuals have served both in the National Guard and as president of the United States and I am proud to be one of them."

Nevermind that I was put there through family connections to help me escape the draft. Nevermind my erratic attendance record. Nevermind that I promised to join the Guard while attending Harvard and never did.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the president did not address the controversy during his speech because there is nothing new to say.
Nope. Just the same old bushit.
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