So, I was just browsing Bravo's Project Runway site and I went looking for pics from the first episode to remind me of what one of the dresses looked like.
And Bravo's episode guide ALREADY has all of the episodes listed. Challenges, guest judges, everything. ARRGH. I guess they don't consider that spoilerific, but I like to be surprised each week by what the challenge is.
And to make matters worse, when the page first loaded I thought it was left over from last season or something, and it took me a few moments to notice that it really was this season. And so I didn't get out immediately like I would have if I'd known. I still didn't really see too much, but I now know the vague concept behind two of the challenges and I know one of the guest judges. Argh argh argh. Dammit, Bravo!
I am not impressed. Maybe it's just because it's early and they need to get the hang of how this works, but right now pretty much all of the designers seriously need to step it up.
That said, I really really like Kenley and Daniel. I also like Kelli, Leanne, Jennifer, and Emily a fair amount, although I find Leanne, Jennifer, and Emily to be pretty much interchangeable. So hopefully they'll distinguish themselves more soon.
For some reason I cannot remember Wesley at all, and even though that sounds like a bad thing I suspect I may end up liking him.
As far as the challenge goes, I really liked Kenley's little bit of adorable (seriously GOD THAT IS CUTE). I was very impressed with Kelli's, especially the closure. I enjoyed Terri's top but I wish she hadn't done such a throwaway skirt as if she expected the top to carry it. Suede's was ridiculous...gluing shit to your tableclothdress does not make it NOT a tableclothdress, it just makes it an uglier one. I found both Emily's and Jerell's to be awkwardly mismatched...the bodices did not go with the skirts at all. And I'm all for interesting contrast, but SOMETHING still has to make you aware that they're supposed to be in the same outfit. Leanne and Jennifer both made cute things that were not horribly innovative, but at least they were cute, as compared to the designers who were not innovative AND made ugly things. Keith and Wesley were both pretty blahh safe okay whatever. I liked Joe's a fair amount. Jerry, Blayne, and Stella all created failure piles of sadness. I liked Daniel's a lot, although I agree that with more time or possibly just more determination he could have taken it further. And Korto' looked good, but it doesn't sit well with me. She made a tablecloth dress, and just like so many of the others, panicked and glued something else to it to try to keep it from being a tablecloth dress. The only difference was that she used produce. I just felt like she went for the produce because it worked for Austin or because she thought it was what the judges if somehow in this challenge innovative only meant one thing and as long as she glued some veggies to her dress it would count as innovative. And the worst part is, it worked! Somehow the judges fell for it! Ugh.
Overall, I was really dismayed by the lack of innovation. Hello people, have you SEEN this show? Even if you never had, the challenge in and of itself was clearly intended to inspire innovation. And if you know the show at ALL, it should be perfectly clear that a dress made from a tablecloth or garbage bags was the LAST thing you should send down the runway, and yet there were at least five tablecloth dresses and several more that I can't remember for sure but I think used tablecloths. And this is for a repeated challenge that they've all seen! Bahhhh.
The other thing that left a bad taste in my mouth was something that struck me about the casting itself. Did it seem to anyone else as if the casting judges tried to fill in the blanks using last season's cast as a template? I just got this sense that someone said "man, everyone seemed to love the last group, let's make sure we have people like that." So they went out and got Blayne as the new Christian, Stella as the new Elisa (I can't even pinpoint what it is but I see DEFINITE similarities there), Joe as the new Kevin, Kelli and Kenley as the new Kit Pistols, Jerry as the new Chris, Leanne and Jennifer as the new Sweet Ps...did anyone else get this feeling? I especially felt that way about Blayne...I couldn't tell if he was cast to be the new Christian, or if he was affecting that sort of air because he thought it would work, but I hated it either way. He's obnoxious and his catchphrases and quirks are just horrendous rather than Christian's adorable.
And for the love of all that is holy, did he actually write "Girlicious" on the poor model's thigh? As if making her wear that disaster wasn't insult enough. I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit.