Mellie's Grand List of AIM Profile and Away Message Sins
- Putting everything in different colors, fonts, and sizes, and using bold, italics, and underlining for some words, and off-setting some words and phrases, and using random punctuation like periods, asterisks, or apostrophes, or any other sort of trying to artistically arrange your song lyrics and stuff.
- Pasting quoted IMs from people saying how utterly awesome you are.
- Pasting quoted IMs from yourself, or snippets of conversations where you had the punchline or the reason why the conversation is funny.
- Pasting quoted IMs that ain't funny.
- Putting random things in there that aren't lyrics or quotes or anything like that. Just random stuff that you're saying that you think people should pay attention to for some reason.
- Quoting the Beatles when you're not a true Beatles fan. This is okay as long as you don't act like you are a true blue Beatles fan, but it's the people who act like they're so great because they listen to old music and look it's even in my profile who really piss me off. Same goes for other classic rock acts and stuff like that.
- Also, having lyrics or quotes from good musical acts like that in the same profile with quotes from horrible ones.
- Pointing out how much you love your friends.
- Pointing out where you go to school. Iris said it best - something like "Elite University which when posted in my profile will garner the respect of my friends and critics alike '09"
- Pretty much any sort of "Put this in your profile if you..." sort of thing.
- Pointing out how much your love your significant other. Especially if you do it by posting a cheesy song lyric with the date underneath it.
- Never changing your profile.
I'm pretty sure I left out some, so feel free to tell me what I missed. This means you, kidney beans.
Yeah yeah yeah, I'm really picky about profiles. A whole lot of stuff pisses me off.
And yeah, I totally do some of this myself. Especially #1. And sort of #8. And maybe once in a while #7. And it's completely conceivable that I would be guilty of #11 if I had a SO.
I do a lot of things that piss me off. So sue me.