this weekend was quite stressfull, but fun; i had a goodtime. i love 3 day weekends! from dance parties on friday to monday spent in providence with emily & matt.
lap dances
i just can't hold in my excitment for the RI capital building!
sometimes, i like to try on sunglasses...
lazy eyed and blonde
i compiled a list of shows that i would like to go to this semester.
2/25 FRI One Am Radio/Wind Up Bird/Tides - The Coolidge Corner Theater $7 -Midnight. 290 Harvard st. Brookline MA 4/02 SAT The Album Leaf/The Bloodthirsty Lovers/Roots Of Orchis/Taxpayer - TT The Bears 4/14 THU Songs: Ohia - Remis Auditorium at Museum of Fine Arts 4/17 SUN Animal Collective (featuring Avey Tare and Panda Bear)/Aerial Pink/Night Wounds - 18+ $12 - MidEast (downstairs)