Feb 14, 2005 23:06

So some people have problems with what has gone down..no no no... let me restart. the last about three weeks ive been hanging out with MAYGAN SARAH MURRAY or CANADA. we became so close in the first week it was amazing. we started dating the first of febuary 2005. and everyday since the first day of talking has been unforgetible. honestly i think back.... to a lil list of things we have done.

1. hrs of talking about the dumbest things
2. eating full size pizza to ourselves
3. hanging your feet over the dark water
4. talking about all the funny looking people
5. driving to walmart to get pulled over
6. holding on for lifes sake
7. cuddling because its so warm
8. the first kiss never felt so right
9. tarpon anyone
10. the first week a beach to everynight
11. the first sunset watched with anyone but myself
12. trying to see stars threw clouds
13. finding things in the ocean to take home
14. talking on the long drives to nowhere
15. fatkid diet please
16. fav soda
17. sims park was it cold enough
18. the night we saw the people get pulled over
19. JASON X retarded
20. lifes plans
21. wishes to make
22. the british families
23. minkey
24. maggy
25. gunther
26. watching the movies we love
27. walks around the block
28. whispers of sweet words
29. the name luvie
30. sweetums and spaceums
31. crickiters
32. nut taps
33. you two fighting? shes kick ass
34. kyle needs a girlfriend
35. plans for the chimps
36. monkey planning
37. save that money
38. a lil kiss to change the light
39. take me tooooooooooooo
40. ill miss you in the second you leave
41. did we look for pine island
42. the littlest pier in the states
43. breezes of cold suck
44. a rock throwen at the car
46. can i turn right when i feel like it.
47. is it my turn yet
48. i want that but most of all i want you
49. MALL

so that is a list of some of the lil sentences and things we have done with one anothe rin the last three weeks and they have all been fun and unforgetible. so to anyone who has anyproblems im sorry but Taylor is finnaly enjoying this. being tied down to one person has never felt so great. this is where i want to be. home forever!!!!!! well happy val;entines day to all good night.
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