May 31, 2006 12:39
I did my Maymester (Summer Intercession...doesn't that sound stupid?)
I got an A
Now I've started Comm Technology in Summer 1...its kinda a drag of a class but its being taught by a little Japanese man that I can't pronounce the name of no matter how many times he says it to me...probably because his first name sounds exactly like his last name and I just want to call him Yang-Yang (no it isn't spelled like that but that is what I hear him say...) Instead I call him "Professor" or "Doctor" whichever happens to fall out of my mouth.
I'm mailing in a scholarship application this afternoon at the advising of the Chair of the Communication Department...she wrote me a letter of recommendation that actually had tears a-streaming because she is such a hard ass and I know that she wouldn't have written anything she didn't believe was true and it was VERY glowing.
Had to buy a new wireless networking card yesterday cause my old one blew up :) Guess I should eventually invest in a new computer with internal wifi etc. but this one works really fine and I have a hard time spending several hundred dollars. I'll just end up going economy to be able to afford it and then regretting it in a year or two when I wish I'd have gotten such&such feature with the comp.
Overall Everything is going pretty good for me at the moment!
For Summer 2:
Images of Western Frontier (Haynes, 3hrs)
For Fall:
Voice & Diction (Mason, 3hrs)
Oral Interpretation of Text (Mason, 3hrs)
Communication and Society (Maccalum, 3hrs)
Texas to 1850 History class (Haynes, 3hrs)
Beginning & Intermediate Swimming PE (1hr)
WeightLifting PE (1hr)