May 22, 2006 13:14
okay soooooooo. my weekend.
was fun.
slept at bellas on thursday we did hair till 6 in the morning we also did other stuff =P but i cant tell you =P
then we slept till 2.30 and where like "ahh we must go lewisham to get hair removal stuff" so off we wnt expect the lewisham bus didnt come like for ages so we went to catford instead and we were kind of lost trying to figuire out how to get to lewisham but then we found a afrocare shop thing SO THE DAY WAS SAVED.
and we plodded to kfc as i always do with bella.
and theeen we went back to hers and i plodded home. and had a fat argument with my gay parents i then got ready for sc and met luceh at like 11pm lol then we plodded(my new word) to kings cross =] and followed a goth guy on the bus =D
then we got to sc and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanced =DDDDDD
i saw jojo yayyyyy <3 but not tommy =[
she is lovely and full of sex <3
but then after our meeting i couldnt find her anymore =[
i met daisy and she is lovely ^.^
erm danced and danced got glowsticks and danced some more
said hi to poeple and danced =D
then met dave =D and chatted to him for ages =D
me and luceh adopted him and drageed somewhere up north lol on a bus then got a tube back to kings cross as everyone else was getting on the tube felt like an idiot lol
so i got out my umbrella :DD
and then dave bought us breakfast in mcdonalds
=DDD and then luceh came to the conculsion that i have herpes
then we took pics in a photo booth and took dave back to his friends tube station me and luceh then fell asleep on the tube ^.^ all snugglerd <3
and got back to waterloo but at putney i left her =[
then i have literally just done FUCK ALL the rest of the weekend
=D i bought a sexy new handbag actually and some leggings/tights they are SEXY FIT
and today i had my first gsce =[