Title: Kate Withdrawal
Rating: Hmm...PG-13 'cause I dropped the F-bomb
Summary: He missed glancing up sometimes and seeing her hovering above him, waiting to ask him to embark on some hunt or rescue mission.
Word Count: 376
Notes: Spoilers from the last episode.
He really missed her since she'd gone on the kamikaze mission for Jack. He missed her smile, her touch, and he really missed the warmth that seemed to radiate from her when she's happy. Since they were with the Others she hadn't glanced over at him and given him quick, discreet smiles like they shared some secret while talking to Hurley or Sayid or...anyone, really.
He missed glancing up sometimes and seeing her hovering above him, waiting to ask him to embark on some hunt or rescue mission.
He missed seeing her with Jack and feeling that pit at the bottom of his stomach, like she had found some new Sawyer. That feeling that he wanted to run over and rescue her from whatever dull conversation her and the Doc were having.
And another thing- he missed how she'd always smile or even laugh lightly when he'd give someone a nickname or say something clever. It made him want to save all his nicknames and cleverness for when she's around.
He missed looking at her and wishing she'd come over and talk to him and then thinking, "Fuck, I am so screwed."
And then there are the times when he'd stride over and sit next to her on the beach, not saying a word. It seemed as if the sound of the waves was enough.
He missed the times when he had hatch duty and she'd come and say hi so non-chalantly.
He wished he could see her right now, know where she was, know if she was ok, know if she was with the Doc (he certainly hoped not), and know if she missed him as much as he was missing her.
He wished she'd come out of the forest this minute and smile and wave and walk over painfully slow to tell him how her Mission Impossible went.
And he had that feeling in his gut that she wasn't ok. He had a feeling that she was in trouble. Or she'd been caught.
He missed knowing she was safe, too. When he could take a quick glance around the camp and see her talking to Hurley (or the Doc) and know that she was fine.
Of all the things, he really missed Kate.
Those few people on my f-list: I added onto the version of this I posted. So yeah.