Hey all.
I have recently redesigned the Plastic Farm website and made this Live Journal account somewhat redundant.
So in order for me to reduce the number of places where I post the same information, this Plastic Farm Livejournal account, which I had been using as the "news" page on the Plastic Farm site, will be semi-retired.
That said, I will keep this account open so I can read my friends' LJs, but all actual news will now be presented in the built in blog at
http://www.plasticfarm.com . Those who wish to follow *that* blog (which will include comics 3 times a week) through Livejournal can friend The Plastic Farm Syndicated LJ account I set up here:
http://syndicated.livejournal.com/plasticfarmsynd/ .
As a final reminder through this account, PLASTIC FARM: SEASONS OF GROWTH IN THE FIELDS OF DESPAIR begins on New Years Day over at
http://www.plasticfarm.com See you there.