Apr 21, 2005 16:31
Hey! so my day was really good today...
french... found out i didnt completely fail that quiz and that made me happy... lol, it was pretty easy 2day too bc we just did the speaking part of the National French exam, or whatever its called... lol, i want to win the prize so im gonna do well tomorow! lol, thats pretty sad that i wanna win that but o well, im cool like that i guess...
word... it was really funny, none of the macro things work and so i finally got mine to work, and then melissas and then jenna and sarah were on the other side of the room complaining how it wont work the whole time... lol, u had to be there prob. but it was funny... and then tommorow i get to help Hannie and Wallace bc melissa isnt gonna be there and they were the smart kids who left the project until the day its due... haha
advisory... talked... lol
health... talked about ATOD's.. lol, it was pretty interesting... and me and vicki are pretty much the only ones who dont know ppl who do drugs (lol, i dont think my story counted bc i dont really believe that one, or atleast it was like a 1 time thing so its not like they do it every day... lol) and then for the thoughtful thursday Vicki is legalizing marijuana!!! haha, jk jk, she read the other classes one.. it was soo funny tho bc we both were pretty confused bc i thought that she wanted to make marijuana legal, and then she couldnt figure out why i was so confused, or atleast gave her a weird look... lol
lunch... kinda boring today... and it stunk bc all the ppl i voted for lost except 1, and she really only won bc kno one knew the other girl who was running...
english... we looked like we were all pretty much asleep on the floor... haha, it was so funny tho bc mr keller kept getting mad bc we would start talking and commenting on everything that happened in the movie, and then we were all complaining about how cold we were and he was giving us kinda mean looks.. lol
chem... so i officialy got a 96% (-1) on the chem quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, i was sooo happy, i felt so smart for a change!
math... jason was being mean... lol, and then i got my test back and it was mainly stupid mistakes i made which made me mad, but i did get alex's sticker so it was all good... lol its a smiley face one this time..
us... ummm, well yesterday we got the tests back and i got a 96% (another one of my genious moments...) haha, i felt like an idiot tho bc i was talking to my friend and i was joking around saying i was a genious, and i didnt realize how loud i was and practically the whole class heard me... haha, i dont think they knew i was joking... and then 2day it was pretty boring but thats ok...
and then the bus... haha, me and christine had an interesting convo.... ending with a few 4 and 5 letter words and nick and harrison being really confused... haha, that def. made my day christine!
now i just got back from costco, i got muffins for advisory tomorow... im prob. not riding the bus bc of that either now... i have to go do hw, then watch the OC!!!!!!!!!! loL!! bye!
<3 Jen