Sep 10, 2007 23:25
It's about time for this old lady to get to sleep, but I needed this.
I am so enraptured with the present lately that I never stop to be nastalgic anymore. I want to put it on record that tonight I am missing my dearest friends very, very much. I felt like I had some here for a bit, but for reasons that are probably very rational I feel a bit more alone than ever before. I'm sure it will pass. I think about humid evenings spent lying around either at a pool or on a couch just being with those who will always love me uncontrollably. I miss the people you can drive for half an hour in a car and not speak a total word and feel totally comfortable. I need more of that around here, and how can I find it? You can't make that. You draw that to you. I have no clue how I got it in the first place but I feel so lucky! This is where I SIGH.
And now I'm thinking that ... I hope I make the people close to me here feel absolutely wonderful. I'm sure there are days I could work on that. I love it when people feel like they are shining. Everything is more at ease.
Today on the bus, a normal-looking studentguy went out of his way to ask me if I knew a good place to buy a wedding dress. Then he proceded to tell me he wasn't getting married or anything, that it was actually God who asked him to locate a wedding dress. I tried not to laugh. And then he told me he could tell the future, and that I was going to have an exam next week. I told him that no, actually, I have no exam next week, but I'm sure you would've been right with 99 percent of this student population. He then went on about his future-telling abilities and I thanked God when my mother called me at this moment. How did he enter this school??
I love Rico.