Aug 28, 2007 23:37
last updated 10 weeks ago, golly gosh. i always mean to update but i have a funny relationship will the old lj, i feel like i only like to/should post 'proper' stuff, by proper i think i mean like i've actually concentrated on really well and attempted to make deep and meaningful. i always sit down at the computer and think i dont have time to update because i need to concentrate but then spend an hour fannying about on various websites that i am compelled to go on every day off my life anyway(well not every day but you know what i mean)i.e flickr, facebook, myspace etc and reading my friends page and the highstreet, which i want to post on but dont cos everyone always criticises me aaargh, its just daft.
so im going to say lots of boring normal stuff today. we went to b&q and bought wallpaper and paint for freddys room, so now we need to get off our arses and do it. he wants to do it and do it NOW he spent ages saying he wanted to do painting then when i explained we needed to do the wallpaper first he started saying he wanted to to roll-papering o-morrow. hes in a bit of a phase of going on about the same thing all the time. i know its mean to say but it is rather annoying, we've just got back from whitby where we stayed in a cottage with helen and oliver and all week he mainly said wheres helen/ i want to see helen/ lets go to helens house or dracula/i want to see dracula/ draculas house etc. there were lots of other things as well. having said this i shouldn't complain really, he is a very clever little boy and really does amaze me most days, i could have some gormless, insipid chav baby that behaves horrendoulsy and never does anything, not that that would be possible, obviously!!
the computers annoying me, for some reason it only seems to like certain websites at the moment, snapfish is doing my head in as it hasnt worked properly since we got back on saturday and i still havent got my photos, yet i am desperate to order more photos even though they've been mucking me about and myspace isnt working and i need to speak to some bloke about ordering some stuff for work, gah.
i ordered loads of t shirts from the threadless $10 sale, well 6,2 for me, 2 for gar and 2 for freds, but they're gonna take 3 goddamn weeks to arrive but the 6 t shirts for £35 is good i say. i get shopping withdrawal seeing as i never seem to get to go now i'm working a whole 3 afternoons a week, i dunno why but, i want to go to primark and i want some yellow skinny jeans, where can i get them?
(this post was bought to you by materialism and parenting snobbery)