Jan 20, 2007 00:26
New Year’s resolutions 2007
1. Learn to drive. I don’t know whether this is ever going to happen because I just don’t know if I’ll physically be able to do it, well not physically but mentally. I just think that I’ll be too afraid and panicky and scatty and forget what to do and I’ve got the crappest sense of direction EVER, I have never met anyone quite so bad as me so I’d either have to learn the way to certain places, but that would leave me a bit sheltered as to where I could go so what would be the point anyway? Or always have someone with me to act as navigator, I don’t like the thought of being alone in a car anyway or I could get sat nav? But yes. I’d like to actually attempt this, to sit behind a wheel and at least try to go somewhere. Christmas 2005 I got 6 driving lessons, so I could have one to see whether I absolutely hated it and my mum wouldn’t have wasted money on a block of 5. So I’m really thinking about cashing them in seeing as it’s now Jan 2007.
2. get round to applying for a provisional driving license.
3. Be a great mum, looks like this will be one that sticks for the rest of my life, I do try my hardest, but I can’t bear the thought of failing him.
4. Lose weight. I think I maybe need to accept that I’ll never be back to how I used to be, and I always used to think I was fat then anyway. I know I’ve mentioned it before but it makes me SO mad that I’ve always had these issues but I feel now I actually have just cause to, but I did then as well. Maybe the resolution should be accept myself but that’s never going to happen.
5. Try to spend my time productively, doing things that I actually want to do rather than watching crap TV.
6. Hopefully being creative. In one form or another.
7. Get my book published and become mega famous celebrity artist and write a newspaper column. Still lots to do but on my way there (!)
8. Stay alive, morbid but was a big deal occupying my mind this time last year and I made it so I may as well try again!
9. Get diagnosed with M.E or actually find out what’s wrong with me.
10. Stop being so obsessed with the grass always being greener and then realising its not. Probably.