Dec 20, 2005 15:38
Go to your calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post it in your journal, and that's your "year in review".
sitting here eating mini eggrolls and pizza... probably shouldnt but it looked too damn good. life is good right now.
the terrors asked me to take their press kit photos! i'm so excited about doing this!!
we broke up. my eyes hurt from crying and i already miss him. i think it was the right thing to do though...
i'm incredibly happy right now. this weekend was the best! :)
i think i've found my "ed" and "guido" all in one. he's not as crazy as them but he's my little version of the perfect one for me. am i jinxing myself by saying this? no i dont think so anymore. i've never been so sure about anyone before. :)
i need a job. so if anyone knows of any cool places that are hiring please tell me!! thanks :)
i get to see todd on monday!!
my hands always feel so gross and dirty from work. ah well, the money is good and it's easy.
just wanted to let you guys know that todd and i and his family are all ok.
i found my pig shirt today!!! it was hiding on the side of my bed... wonder how it got there? hehe last time i saw it was when todd was in town.
i'm sick of school!!!
and work!!!
if i make it through the week without falling asleep standing up it will be a miracle.