(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 08:27

Havn't updated in a long time. On friday and saturday my parentals had to go to new jersey to go to a wedding so i was dropped off at my mommies friends house ::giggle:: i saw the clay aiken new music video thing. it was cRaZy. Sunday was halloween and i went over to brittanis with everyone. we went trick or treating. it was exciting. then people were supposed to go shaving creaming buttttt...i had ham and sweet potatoes at home so...what was i supposed to do? yea so i went home. Then we had school the next day but todays election day so I'm home, praying i get voted president. Its "Meg Lovece" guys, its on the ballot. Tell your parents. I plan to improve...stuff. i dont know what it is now, but when i get into the whitehouse you better believe i have plans. Starting with the downstairs bathroom. And then maybe the linen closet. I want to add some extra shelves in there. After that, i'll get around to "the country" and "the people" hold your horses guys--Whats more important- you, or me having easy access to color coded towels? Now dont you feel selfish. Thats another thing I plan to fix. Selfish people. Better go start packing. They dont give you ur own wash cloths in the whitehouse guys thats for sure.
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