I feel pathetic because...

May 28, 2006 06:35

... I'm online at whatever time at night it is here(I think around 10:38) wondering why nobody's online at 6:38 their time. Anywho, Japan's nice. I have some pics, but I can't think of a story to send you through them. Just wity(spell?) captions.

The single rooms in this hotel(it's primarily a wedding hotel) are effin' tiny. These pictures can't even describe how tiny.

There's no closet. I'll take a pic of the bathroom for you guys too. Anywho, I'm not in there that often and when I am, I'm sleeping or in my bed watching dvds.

This picture was totally illegal to take.

It's their form of gambling. It's flippin' hilarious.

I saw this tiny woman on our trip to Tokyo and I tried to take a picture, but everytime I tried, someone would walk right in front of her.

It took three tries and this is the best I got:

Hehehe... she was TINY!!!!.... hehe...

This was outside the Apple store. There's a picture of us on the screen of the comp she's holding.

So! Here's a little story that we found HILARIOUS when it happened. My dad, his crewmate, and I went on a journey to Tokyo the other day and while we were in the Tokyo version of Time's Square(the one you always see in movies with the giant screen), my dad points out this store and the convo goes as follows:

Dad: look, there's a line of girls all dressed in white all doing the same thing. that's neat! take a picture
*we take pictures*
Me: I think that's a mirror.
Dad: No, look, they're different.
Me: But I can see myself
Nick: Yeah, you can see yourself in that mirror, but those are all different girls
*one girl turns as he says mirror and in fact "two girls" turn... proving it's a mirror*
Dad, Nick, and me: *laugh and admit we're idiots*

btw, for Jex: Nick is one of the guys that got so drunk he thought he was in Tokyo and got on the train to come back to Kawagoe.

And another little story. We(the whole crew) went out to celebrate Ceasar's birthday. We had to sit on the floor at a low table(I'm pretty used to it now) and every once in a while yell out "HAIL CEASAR!" because they're all drunks. Anywho, my dad was the only one who had to work that night so he left early and I stayed behind with them. All throughout the night they were yelling "ELEPHANT MAN" at this guy:

I had no clue what they were talking about so finally this convo happened:

Nick: Have you ever heard of Elephant Man?
Me: Yes. I've seen the movie too. < idiot
Nick: Well, he got so drunk one night he turned his pockets inside out and *makes motion of unzipping his pants* and we have pictures of Japanese women looking like *makes gawking face*
Me: OOOOHHHH!! Hahaha

*around 5 minutes later... we hadn't been talking to each other, especially not about this*

everyone at the table: HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahHAHAHAHAHahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

I have no clue why I like him so much. Could be the english dialect....
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