Dec 12, 2004 10:22
The Baltimore Waltz is going so, so well right now. After a week of blood, sweat, and tears, I got all purtied up for the opening nght, and sat in the audience with Caitlin (the set designer) in a fit of nervous exhaustion. Would Alex call my cues on time, would Gabe remember to check for the spike tape when he got into place for the narrator lights, would my lights help people understand the play, would people even laugh at the play?
The answers for those questions were yes, yes, yes and yes!
It was brilliant. People haven't had so much fun at a play since I've been here. Tom, Gabe amd Molly (the actors) were dead on last night, and the play had to be held frequently for cheering and applause. Caitlin and I were cracking up through the whole thing, and Lucy, the director, was sitting directly behinds us practically hugging herself. Geoff, who designed sounds, was up on the catwalk, where I will be joining him today, and after the house lights went up at the end, he came down and we just hugged and hugged, because it was the first play for both of us, and we were elated that it went so well.
During the last scene, I looked around the audience, and everyone had this shocked look on their faces for the twist ending. Some people were crying.
And when the audience left the theater to meet the of the teachers came up to me and said "You know, in the program Lucy calls you guys the dream team of designers, and I wasn't really sure she was right, but you guys really pulled this play together. When I saw a rehearsal of this I didn't really understand what was going on, but seeing it on set, and with the lights made it all seem real. Talk about suspension of disbelief!" There were so many complements for all of us. Lucy was absolutely beside herself with the feeling of success. We all have so much to be proud of here. And Garin damn well better come to one of the shows, because I made a lot of changes to the lighting since he saw that tech rehearsal, and he should come see how much better it is now. Damn it.
Success is so, so sweet. Sorry for chattering on like this. The afterglow is still with me, and depending on how today's two rehearsals go, may only get stronger.
In other news, Kristen, when are you coming back from Burlington? We're supposed to be doing coffee hour together tonight...