Dried up pencil-pusher wears an ugly crown

May 09, 2012 22:47

Stream of consciousness . 004 .

Deadheading, further notes on darlings. Reciprocation. None too often. Cut in the skin. Criminal. Ink blue, all I ever knew. Dark. Blackness. Eyesight. Living like the next will never come. Waterfall. Cave. Tunnels winding. Just tell me where to begin. Renew, enhancing, nonjudgmental, mechanic roughly-housing. Next? Softer. A finer approach. Ovals, ulterior, engaging, fellowship. Dents. Drowning. Suffocates. Watershed. Splendor rain, rapture feigns, rodent fame, dents, nicks, travails, missing aims. Wet shoulders from tears. They still don't take responsibility. I'm not here to make you happy. Am I? Deforestation. Mozart. Colors colors. Words that don't come without pulling, yanking, wrestling, forcing... Struggling. Swordfish, gladiator of the sea. What time did you get in today? What time will you leave? Order forms and illustrated tree branches, but they're just lines. In the end. Don't talk about it this time. Don't read about it then. I'm in this thing alone. Opened eyes, wider freedoms, opened eyes, full scope, can do anything now. Breaking up with my own expectations of others, of this one here. Family trees. Tennis balls. Bridges, so scenic sometimes. Everlasting. Harrowing. Indication. Rubicund. Full circle. Monstrous. Omnipresent. Tenacious. Tom Petty. Masks. Waves. Garlands. Stumps. Malcontent. Troubadour. Fishing for, furnished in, famished like, scores of four, future, fulcrum, fancy, footfalls, foothills, France, photos, final, featuring, festive, flames, finished, finished, finished. Floor.

10:26 PM
Dashing. Crafter. Mud pit. Hark. Leather. Sink your teeth. Mint-colored. First finger. Juniper. Unisex. Grocer. Spinning metal. Metal spinning on metal. Fine dining. A tree has fallen. Generations go. More frankensteins come. Spindle cobweb. Lost lachrymose weaver. Killjoy. Nonexistent. Shouldn't you be reading? Keep it going. Get ideas into motion. Shy of lackluster, words so mundane they sink into the page. You watch them go, helpless to save them. Death by quicksand. They say if you want to write, read. Well what if everything you read sinks into the page, the screen, the words fall victim to abrupt nonexistence just as soon as you've finished speaking them in your mind? What do you do then, when there's seemingly no literature out there that interests you? Never mind. Broach. Slippery stars. Teapots made of cat fur. Drifting scratches, pawing jaunts, fingerless gloves on the mantel, a tattoo above the knuckle of his thumb. French doors. Super moon. Precious cargo. Wait for me. Pleasurable company. Safety. Saltines. Porch swing. Cheap sunglasses. Weatherman. Remember what I said to you. Trunk busting with memories, fossilized victories. Smudge on the lens. Weddings. Stay strong. When you were knee high to a grasshopper. Seasons. Previously stated. Wednesday warlords. No one to see the movie with me. Dusty, yellowed with age.

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