Oct 28, 2008 18:04
Why is it that in high school more people seem to die then if the rest of your life?
Even when you are 75 years old, and your friends with all older people;
its seems like in high school more of the people you interact with and/or knew
are dieing all around you. i'm just curious why this is.
At my first year of high school, I didnt know many people but i did know of alot of people.
&+ two girls i knew of died towards the begining of the school year.
Here it is towards the begining of my sophmore year &+ three boys have already died.
Seriously; it's incredible. I dont understand.
In the middle of my freshman year there was an assembly for us.
A man came in and told us his struggles with acohol &+ drugs.
&+ I will never forget what he told us. He told us to look to our left, then our right.
Then he told us that one of the three of us would probably not make it to our graduation.
&+ at the time, I didnt beleive him. Mostly because I was sitting between two of my best friends
so I didnt want to beleive him. And after see everyone go through these five deaths in the past 2 years,
I never want to beleive him; but surprisingly I'm starting too.
After losing these five kids in our community it has made me realize alot.
That you need to speak your mind &+ your feelings today;
because for some, tomorrow may never come.
So today I did something, that part of me thinks i should have never done.
But I did. I told a guy my feelings for him.
Me and him have been friends for almost a year.
Together we have hit rock bottom &+ made our way back up.
He has been there for me since we first met, I've been there for him as well.
We are the reasons eachother is late to class. Well I'm usually the reason he is late.
He trys to make me go to class, it is quit funny. He hates knowing that he is the reason I'm late.
We care about eachother more then eachother will ever realize.
We can make eachother laugh more then anything.
He deffinitly is my better half. He brings out the best in me; most time. haha
If I'm being a bitch or overly nice &+ anywhere inbetween, he isnt affraid to tell me.
Same towards him for me.
I see him between A and B block, somedays with I'm lucky after B &+ before C block.
He would do anything for me. I know he really does care.
He just lost someone real close to him. &+ I'm not sure how to be around him.
I went and bought him a little box of chocolate &+ a sympathy card.
Im the sympathy card, I spilled out my feelings. I included inside jokes and such.
It was quit funny actually. &+ I gave it to him between A and B block.
&+ I told him to read the card when he was alone, I didnt want him friends reading
it. I mean it was personal. And he has always wanted me to not be affraid to spill my
guts out, especaily towards him. He always wants me to be honest. So I was.
&+ part of me is affraid that everything could be ruined. &+ of course something like
that happens, when I tell him my feelings and I see himk like twelve times today at school.
Everything would be alot easier if he wasnt taken.. Yeah I know it is sort of bad that I'm
falling for a guy that is taken. But it's hard not to fall for him. He is always there for me.
I know that thinking/hoping for this is wrong but part of me wishes that after him reading that,
it will make him realize how much I truly care about him, and that maybe just maybe he
would break up with his girlfriend that he rarley sees anyways and give me a chance.
Thats all I want is a chance. A chance to prove to him how right for eachother we are.
Advice ?! (: