Dec 13, 2005 18:55
This week has been insane.
Both good and bad.
Mostly bad,
because I tend to mess things up.
But whatever.
Yesterday I went home early
I slept all day.
Starting at 11:30, until around 6:00.
Then I woke up to my brother singing.
And went back to sleep about an hour later.
I had the most petrifying dream.
And woke up at 4am.
School today was a joke.
I was in a really good mood.
And talked through all my classes.
Getting basically no work done.
We had a shelter plan during DDP,
silly drug dogs.
Not many people were in school today.
My grades have gone up, proving that I am
not so much a failure as I am lazy.
Which is changed now.
I want to play field hockey.
I want indoor to start,
like now...
Kelly's birthday is exciting.
Also friday I am going snowboarding with Brianna.
Tommorrow I'm going with Sean Luca and Mike.
I seriously need to bust a move
on my Christmas shopping.
I suppose that might help if I wasn't so broke.
I've been listening to Against Me non stop.
I only have one of their albums
maybe I should fix that.
because I keep pressing play over and over again
due to the fact it only has 11 songs.
Life is so insane.
The strangest shit happens
I get to confused.
I am right now.
Because things happen so quickly,
time goes by so fast.
One second your whole life is centered around
the next second you don't talk to them.
And it's pretty friggen weird how it works.
Because you don't really realize it happening.
One day they're just gone.
And to be frank, I don't like it.
At all.
I want to always be close with people who
I care about.
Even if something bad happened to our realtionship.
I hate being distant.
I hate being acquaintances with people.
I want to being friends.
Best friends.
Something that requires emotion.
And i'd rather have bad emotion then none.
Because usually the bad is resolved.
Unless you just don't care.
But I care way too much.
I really want pancakes.
But I'm not eating dinner tonight.
I bellied up to the bar at lunch.
That's how i roll.
I guess.
Everyone was in a bad mood today.
Which puts me in a bad mood.
Which makes me open my naeve eyes.
And notice how shitty of a person I can be,
despite my efforts, things tend to turn out
against me.
comment anonymously.
tell me something bad about myself.
that i should change.
Be as honest and mean as you wish.
It's hard to analyze your own faults.