Earlier today I cleaned my angel browns and noticed a rip in one of them!!:O
That was my last pair of lenses(as I swore off buying more because it was becoming obessive:O)
So now I'm back with the question of....
Which lenses should I get???Opinions please?
I've had G&G brown , Angel gray and brown(Pictures in that order).
I've narrowed it down to few colours really,I think realistically I can only get away with brown since my eyes are hazel.Green and gray would possible look ok if it was really subtle or able to blend with my natural eye colour.
I do intend to repurchase the G&G at some point but I can only get them from secreteyes.org,and her pre order isn't open.
I'm torn between buying another pair of Angel browns or one of the following.......
Here are the possible lenses
#1 Barbie King lenses in brown
#2 G&G BT02 Green
#3 Misty Grey
#4 Misty Green
#5 Angel Green
Poll Opinions on lenses