my 11 september post...

Sep 12, 2006 19:36

11 september, 2001. i was at st. mary's. in the morning, some teachers started acting weird and took our class to the lunch room where we watched the television and saw the first tower smoking and the plane hitting the second tower.

i remember thinking, "why are we getting out of class for this?"

i believe that says something about our culture, that it seemed so common to see carnage and destruction in the media that i thought it was normal.

looking back, i think it was a tragic incident, and i feel for anyone who lost a loved one in the destruction.

but at the same time, i think a lot of people are really looking at it the wrong way. these people are the ones i saw on the tele last night talking about how their faith in god has been shaken because of 11 september. what the fuck? no. you don't sit there praying for a good, hunky-dory life and loose your faith if something bad happens, however tragic. that's not faith; that's convenience.

"when i looked at the picture of my deceased husband, i thought about praying. but god and i are no longer on speaking terms," said one FUCKING MORON. isn't this the time when you should turn to god the most? just because you loved somebody and they died means that god isn't there for you anymore? i think it's ridiculous that they had a whole documentary about people whose faith has been shaken by the incident. it made me so angry. however, i think there's a good lesson to be learned by these hypocrites.

i want to believe that these are the same people who are like the ones in my last rant, the ones who go out on anti-gay marches and try to condemn every other belief. i can't be sure, but i want to believe this. because they might learn a lesson or two in their lack of faith. maybe they will find out in their soul-searching that there are other beliefs out there, and the world does not consist of a box of christians with heathen sinners on the outside. maybe they'll realise that there were many people in some middle eastern countries who thanked their god ecstatically when the twin towers were bombed because that was what they believed. and that doesn't mean that they're bad, killmongering people. they honestly believe that we are the devil, we americans. and that well may be.

that last bit was slightly off my point. i do not believe in any conventional 'god,' yet i feel like i'm the only one who's bothered by the fact that these people can break themselves from what their whole lives are supposed to stand for just because someone they knew died in a terrorist attack. i don't care what you believe in, just have some goddamn faith. don't go asking your god to kill muslims in revenge; try asking him to forgive them and help you get your life back together instead of sulking in the passing thought that everything you've known has abandoned you.

tonight i'll say a prayer to every god or diety or spirit i can think of: the christian god, allah, buddha, siva, mother earth, goddess, the sun, yaweh, even fucking odin and zeus. and i will pray that they help give these people the faith they have illegitimately lost. because that's sadder than the lives lost, if you ask me.

if anybody wants to discuss whether this is a good observation or if you think i'm the biggest fuck mook in the world, i would love to listen (seriously).
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