Pokemon Stuff

Mar 31, 2007 03:43


ISSUE ONE, in which Seth has Emerald and a cloning glitch:

*Alright, there is a perfectly functional cloning glitch for Pokemon Emerald. I am not above using it; I am only against it when used to give everyone out there a shiny Rayquaza with perfect IVs and Nature and shit where it's stupid. My pokemon are not shiny, their natures are probably crap, and their IVs are pretty bad too.
*The Legendaries I currently have, on Emerald: Latios, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza. Those are all the legendaries possible at the moment in Emerald for me without haxing
*The Legendaries I should have by the time I can upload to Diamond, on Emerald from Leaf Green: Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou. Also: Eevee, though he's not a legendary.
*Want anything else? Feel free to ask if I can get it and if I can I will try. Except for Feebas and Milotic. Feebas can suck a huge cock and die. If I go insane and try to catch some, however, I will then definitley be willing to share.
*I can also clone any item, including Masterballs, but I dunno if I feel it's ethical to release a billion Masterballs into the world so I probably would only give a few away. If you want any items, though, like the ever popular LEFTOVERS or CHOICE BAND, let me know.
*Basically, you're guaranteed to get legendaries that I have and you might want if you ask me, even though you probably can get them Wi-fi trading easily enough waaaay before I can upload them to Diamond... But this way, you get it from someone you know? I guess.
*Respond if this interests you. If not, I won't worry about it. :D

ISSUE TWO, in which we get all three starters on April 22nd:

*Bryce, Josh (I think?), and I were interested in getting together the day it comes out and making sure everyone has all three starters.
*I'm getting my Diamond at the Babbage's at Washington Square (customer loyalty... ftw?) so if anyone interested in this hasn't preordered yet preorder there, so that we can carpool. I'll probably be able to drive. If you are going there, let me know.
*The way I imagine this working is one person (or two, if we have a ton of people for some reason?) will act as a hub and go around collecting junk pokemon (Bidoof, I think is Rattata of this gen) to trade, while everyone else is doing speed runs to when they can trade to trade over. Then, when they transfer enough over for everyone to have as many as they want (hopefully just one set), they speed run to where the hub can trade back, including the extra pokemon for the hub, then hub restarts and speed runs to where they can trade and it all works out good. This is the smoothest way to run it; having someone just restart enough for themselves would be a huge hassle. This paragraph makes sense to me, but it is 4 in the morning so I apologize if it doesn't make any sense.
*I will probably host this unless someone else would rather do it?
*If you are interested in joining this merry party (it'll be long, and merry, and a party), respond here.
*If there is a midnight launch, special considerations would have to be made
*If any interweb/college folk want to benefit from the fruit of our labor and get them from Wi-fi trading I dunno about anyone else but I'd be willing to help work that out.

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