Nov 30, 2003 21:28
You know I was actually feeling bad for my mom... FUCK HER!!!
I came home from work and since she has had her fucked up problems with Raymond and Bianca, she decides to target me next. She goes off on me on all sorts of shit. First about Vanessa: having a key to the house and the alarm; OLD SHIT!! Then we left the pillow in the closet this time =/ So i just said Vanessa was in the closet one of the time she was hanging out in my room with nikki and sorts. She goes off telling me how I better not be sneaking people into this house. NExt she moves on to Anthony, she went threw my shit and read a letter "Who is this guy you went and saw in Sacramento, he talking about how he was embarrassed about his bathroom." making it sound all dirty... Urg!!! Wtf He was just embarrassed of his family shit that they left around. She assumed we fucked around when all we did was hang out and play video games... I mean Jesus Vanessa was there the whole time. He is just my friend. She trails into how she doesn't approve of me and blah. If I don't straighten up I will be shipped off to my dad's house. FUCK!! I tried to leave once but she wouldn't let me. Then pretty much at this point I started spacing out; I know she said stuff about me being late to school and having a dirty room. I wish I really could move in with my dad... I could go to irvington, an arts school, and I could just transfer to the Jamba juice in Fremont. The only cons is... I would have to leave all my friends and my dad doesn't know I'm a faggot...