Aug 16, 2008 22:34
I'm sure that everyone at some point in their life gets a song stuck in there head and it just won't go away. Well there is a song that I actually like on the surface but is my arch nemesis of mind sticking songs. The evil song is "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. I was introduced to this song in the movie Wayne's World, as they bang their heads along with the music and hoped that Phil wouldn't spew in the backseat of the car. So today as I'm listening to some Rockapella, HEY, don't knock 'em until you've listened to them. They have some great cover songs. So who knew that Rockapella did a cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody"? I sure didn't until it started playing through my speakers. So it rocked and then immediately stuck in my head. This song is pretty messed up when you read over the lyrics but I'll be danged if it doesn't just hook me every single time. As I sit here and type this I keep humming and singing in my head the lyrics over and over and over and over. "mama, I just killed a man. Put the gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead...." ARRRGGHHH!!! Go away ghost of Freddie Mercury! Let me be at peace!
So anyway I tell you the entire top part to show you how I have mentally been tortured all day with this song in my head. So this afternoon my wife finally forces me to put up a new ceiling fan in our bedroom. I have never in my life had to put a ceiling fan up but I figured how hard could it possibly be. Connect some wires, tighten some screws, throw on the switch and BAM it's Bob Villa time BABY! I'll be damned it was a nightmare. Weeks back I posted about my side injury and how I thought it was a muscle injury but had to get tests done just to make sure. Well it was just a muscle strain and it was almost completely better..... Well notice I said "it was almost completely better", because now I've re-injured it. It was also a bloody torturous hell because I kept singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" over and over and over and over and over and over in my head. 3 hours later I have a nice new ceiling fan and 37% less sanity.
My front right tire on my 3 month old Honda Accord had a slow leak. I took it to get fixed and was told it couldn't be fixed because it already had 2 plugs in it and on top of that the other 3 tires were at 20% tread and were getting dangerous. I mention it's only 3 months old but we did buy it used from a Honda dealership and it had 56,000 miles on it and apparently the tires were not changed. Just shined very brightly and cleaned when we bought it. I'm not upset at the Honda place. We didn't ask and didn't pay super close attention since we got a good deal on the car. They knocked several thousand off due to some hail damage. Anyway, the guy at discount tire says, "Yeah man we can hook you up with an identical set of wheels for only $960 bucks!" He said it like it was some kind of deal of the century. So I said, "Wow, uh, what was your name... Thomas. Well Thomas that sounds like a great deal but I don't have that much to spend." To which Thomas gives me his next best deal of $650 bucks. I tell him to let me think on it for minute. So me and my 6 year old go outside. I call my wife, get in my car, back out and drive right past as Thomas comes outside and tries to wave me down. I just keep on driving like he doesn't exist. Went to Sam's and got tires for $450 bucks. Just have to wait until Wed of next week before they come in and can be put on. So I'll take it extra easy on my car and keep checking the air pressure regularly. Geez what a day.
Sorry for talking you ears off. Good night.