Jun 16, 2004 09:32
skate demo:everything has kicked ass in the past week or so. i went to a huge skate demo at axis, and skated with pat duffy, chris nunn, and some other think skaters.i did some pretty cool tricks. i did a frigging tailslide on the quarterpipe.i did a mute 180 rock fakie.i did a blunt rock fakie.i did a lipslide. i did a 5-0 to tailstall.
school: it was ok, yesterday all we did was ttalk all day! i had to clean my dumb locker out.i had broken boards in there, papers, jakets and all that crap.
eben's: it was kick ass. i did my first lipslide on a rail!!! then i did a tailslide on the high wooden thing.i was doing 180 funnies and other cool stuff. some realestate lady came to ebens house to use the phone, because she couldn't get into the other house.
i think that was my longest entry