Sep 30, 2008 11:42

So, I'm pretty fond of plants. I name my cats after plants. I get emotional about plants. I talk to plants. However, my knowledge of how to grow them and keep them alive has been pretty much nil. One of the great things about living in a house in Kirkwood means that there's actually space and sunshine for me to try some Plant Growing Experiments.

That this tomato plant is actually bearing fruit is a minor miracle. I overplanted the seeds in the container, and then left town for a bit. Apparently this was during a crucial time - the roots ended up hopelessly entangled - thinning was difficult. And I didn't fully comprehend just how sun-loving these things would be. They've survived multiple pot transplants, and weren't staked until late in life. There were blooms but no fruit, so I ended up having to perform some late-night manual pollination. Above all, these weren't varieties of tomatoes recommended for something as confining as a container.

My favorite time to do plant-related things is at night, when the air is cool and the bugs are a bit more laid back. Everything is in pots, since the idea of putting in a bed is a daunting one, and the landlord didn't seem excited about my tearing up part of the yard.

I've also been picking up some herbs along the way. My most beloved plant, an adorable little mint, has not handled the transplant to the new pot well, and I suspect the soil.

All of the plants currently in my care have survived somewhat in spite of it. They've been starved for sunlight. They've been left terribly thirsty. They've been planted in inappropriate soils. As they've grown I've been doing multiple pot transplantations (I feel guilty when I see them straining out of the sides...). I've even gone long periods of time without talking to them! The majority of the winter sprouts have not made it, and currently there's maybe 2 hanging on for dear life (they need more sunlight, I just don't get enough indoors). Fortunately I have more seeds and more soil, so I'll try again. It's been a wonderful learning experience, and as far as hobbies go, this one keeps me out of trouble.


A big thank you to friends who have helped me with all things plant-related, including those who serve as inspiration!

ashlupa, asynchronous13 aka Phillip, bheansidhe, Isaac, kenllama, mech_angel, mystech, paderau, twelveoaks, and Vance, among countless others...

experiments, garden

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