Computers are hard; Easter Egg Hunt and Plant Sale

Mar 19, 2012 12:56

My minimal web skills are no match for web browsers. Why does the layout appear close to how I intend in one, and different in the others? I'm not even asking for minimal margin quibbles, just trying to figure out which are the best tags to use to try to get font sizes to appear the way I want them to. The few tags I know how to use, some are going to the wayside, and the newer ones involve things so complicated my brain isn't certain how to wrap itself around... I've been trying to step up my game from the 90s but honestly haven't come very far. HTML makes my head hurt.

Anyway, the garden is planning an Easter Egg Hunt in the urban forest, and the organic plant sale. The sale has already started, actually, let me know if anyone is interested in below-market-rate plants that V grew, b/c he's just growing stuff and ran out of room in the greenhouse, and is not particularly beholden to any particular time/place to move some plants.

We seriously doubt that we'll have a freeze. Normally this would be early to plant warm things out, but the weather has been so crazy warm so early, and it was so warm early last year as well, we're starting stuff out now (April 15th is usually the safest day to start planting, risk of freeze is so low by then, but seriously we didn't have a freeze after March 1 last year and this year it was more like late Feb). I planted a tons of marigolds Saturday, and put in something of a hydrangea bed. It needs some more work. The hydrangeas were rescues from Krogers, we'll see if they make it or not, those things freaking guzzle water and I didn't get the soil quite right in the bed.

The garden is gorgeous right now, the second wave of daffodils are in bloom, the redbuds are putting on a show, the muscaris and snowflakes are in full bloom, the peach trees are leafing out, the pears are blooming, the crimson clover is colorfully keeping the weeds down (and fertilizing the ground), the blueberries are gearing up, the elephant ears are starting to peak up out of the ground, the elderberry is coming on strong, the fig trees are waking up, the beautyberry is showing signs of life... oh and a japanese painted fern that I rescued from the damaged plants at Lowe's is coming up strong. I was worried because when I planted it, the trees above hadn't leafed out yet so it was a bright area and then it got cold, but it has bounced back beautifully.

garden, computer

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