Ryam on the train, and finally taking down the rotted Halloween decor.

Jan 19, 2011 15:56

Just ran into Ryam on the train. He suggested re: Mosa (he used to be a vet tech?) puppy pads or just sacrifice a blanket to the incontinence cause. We've already been sacrificing blankets; it's good to know the puppy pads might be another alternative. I've been considering them but just didn't know how well they'd work. He warned me that once the kidneys go, everything else starts to go as well. This is what we've been expecting, based on what we've read and my clinical experience with humans. Whenever we let Mosa out of the bathroom, she urinates on anything soft in sight (we have carpet, not a good combo). I have studying to do, so I'll join her in there with my textbooks. It's tiny, so I'll probably have to study my psych textbook in the bathtub. This might make a good picture if it wasn't so melancholy.

When I got off the train I came home to be greeted by sad, deflated pumpkins. The snow and ice did a number on them. I just finished shoving my hands in rotted pumpkin goo and rescuing the seeds inside. Hopefully they'll be viable. We'll not talk about the stem borers. God I love pumpkins and I wish we could grow them, but the *#$&&$# stem borers get them every time. Still, hope remains. There's still one Halloween decoration left around, one blue pumpkin that sits proudly by my desk. It's a lovely specimen, and it gives Kwan Yin some company.

My landlord is some sort of laundry maniac. We have SO MUCH laundry to do, and I mean SO MUCH. He's always doing laundry. It's free here, and I haven't heard good report on the pay laundries near here anyway, so I guess I'll wait wait wait some more.

I gave up caffeine last semester... yeah, about that. I was told it wasn't possible to make it through nursing school while vegan. I think that's totally possible, however, vegan AND straight edge? Perhaps not.


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