today continued more

Apr 05, 2006 21:57

B=oldoldold advisor

still haven't heard back from psych teacher or person who can change my advisors. always makes me wonder a bit. i reallyreally don't expect instant replies(only sometimes =P) i do expect that teachers check fairly often though as it's the main mode of communication at current school.

mand. prob. meeting went fairly well. i did explain uncomfortableness with current advisor & with dis. specialist.
she'd explained that circumstances/reasons do factor into things when looking at grades & such & probation-wise(not that circumstances would prevent probation... but if things weren't improving quickly or such) & so it is important that someone know what's going on. she said that i could speak with her if i'd feel more comfortable & that also she'd suggest changing advisors.
which is good. i do like having other options. if for whatever reason there's a problem in changing my advisor or if i get one i feel as uncomfortable with as current one... i can talk with this woman.

acupuncture....................................... i dunno. i'm not
sure... certain things changed yet really i'm not sure if it was
because of that or because of other reasons... weren't drastic. so
unsure if i'm going to continue it or not. (skipped appt today)

meeting with B went well. i still really like him.
i get to give a presentation may 10? or so. & need to email a potential outline by next week. really i'd love if it could be entirely question/answer... hehe but hmm.

came home grabbed books went to class.

was a bit better imo than the last classtime although certain classmates didn't agree. last time was seriously painful. he'd say something funny (or that it was obvious he was saying in an attempt to be funny) & there'd be nervous laughter. it was just such a huge jump from all the boredom. like comic relief. this time was still excruciating but not quite so bad. don't like classmates in that class. or rather... so far attempts at friendliness have rather been met with cold stares & silence. *shrugs*

picked brother up from work after that. just remembered he gave me flowers which i accidentally left in the car =(
then we went to eat. then to his place.
he likes the idea of my speaking to a class. he wants a class to speak to too. did offer to give him the email addy of B.
remembered i had a history chapter to read & write up.



pokey-stick me to get an actual day planner/calendar thingie.
i like to convince myself that it's just as good (& cheaper) to use my notebook. but class assignments are so mixed up (& forgotten). i'm so good at figuring i can just slide by so really it doesn't matter. & in some sense it truly doesn't. but... if i want to do more than slide by... & to make Sure i'm not on probation next quarter.... assignment-doing is good.

also pokey-stick me to figure out how to work online math stuff & *start* it tomorrow.

bus was down last i checked. but pokey-stickness shall be copy/pasted to balletomane so i have additional people (& one set person as really i'm not sure who all reads lj there should be a 'viewers have been:' or something for each post in lj) expecting those things done.

history is waiting till morning. luckily i'm awake earlier than i've ever needed to be. will just need to make sure i *get* up.
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