Yeahs! I finally got done with TWO new chapters for some of fics! Why aren't they on here you ask? Because I started posting them on a looong time before I got a livejournal. Since they are both the fifth chapter for that particular story I will post a link to my profile on said website:
My Stories on The stories I just updated are Shadow Dragon and Forgotten Birthright.
Forgotten Birthright is the third fanfiction piece I ever wrote. It's a next-gen fic staring Dagger and Zidane's daughter. There were several plot holes I didn't notice when I first started it, but I've figure out how to fix them and I like the characters. I thought this fic was dead, but I got smacked with inspiration for it and it got updated.
Shadow Dragon is a Shadow Hearts/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover thing. Basically Seto is a Harmonixer. The whole idea for this thing was actually Mai Valentine. In the games, the vampires are all brothers and sisters with the last name Valentine. All have blond hair and blue eyes. Mai's English name is Valentine and she has blond hair. Thus she became a Keith's younger sister. Then Seto, who when he fights seems to use his fists, became a Harmonixer.
Second Chance and Broken Promise are up there as well.