Sep 01, 2009 09:10
This is one of my favorite times of the year. The echinacea are finally ripe enough for the goldfinches to eat their seeds. I've counted as many as 7 or 8 on the blossoms in past years, ripping them apart.
Yesterday I mowed the entire front yard, which isn't hard as it's half gardens, and weedwhacked around the edge too. Today I'll get out there and weed. I doubt I'll get all the way around, since the weeds have certainly gotten the upper hand, what with all the rain and the weird weather.
One of my coworkers remarked over the weekend that I always seem happy, regardless of what task I'm working on at the moment. She asked if I consciously worked at it, and I said yes and no. I frequently find beauty, humor, and satisfaction in the mundane, in things I'm surrounded by daily. It's partly my nature and it's partly sort of a self-taught discipline. Fourteen years ago, I was depressed to the point of being suicidal. I don't divulge that to people I work with, since unfortunately I've experienced backlash over the years. Ignorance abounds in our world. Some people would rather make fun of someone who's found a way out of misery than try to get out of their own.
What I like about Wegmans in that regard is that no one puts me down for being upbeat, as they used to at my last employer's business. The people there were gamblers, very heavy drinkers, mostly divorced, frequently cheating on their spouses or live-ins. It was not a healthy environment. I'm glad to be where I am.