Babbling increases with sun exposure

May 31, 2011 17:19

I'm taking a water and A/C break at the moment.  I'm planting today, it's friggin' hot, and I helped a neighbor mow part of her lawn.  Betty mows religiously, to the point where it's a fetish.  Regrettably, she's been sick for the past month and couldn't keep up.  Right after she told me, I went out with our gimpy-but-serviceable reel mower and whacked a section down.  I was afraid she'd be displeased, because it wasn't done the way she does it.  On the contrary; she was very happy.

(Later)  I only made it four hours out there.  Too.  Damn.  Hot.  But I made some serious headway.  The better part of a wheelbarrow load of compost mixed with peat moss to lighten it up is now spread across 21 lineal feet of garden.  I now have about 50 plants in the ground, which is pitiful considering how much plant stock I've grown and is ready to go somewhere.

Re: the compost, oh my everlovin' God, the worms!  They were amazing.  It dawned on me at one point that I was accidentally cooking them in the wheelbarrow, so I got an old plastic tablecloth and covered the soil to shade it.  Hang in there, little dudes!

Those of you who are old enough to remember it may have seen on the Ed Sullivan Show, way back when, a type of performer who spun plates.  This individual would come on stage, produce a dozen or so sticks about 5 feet long and a similar number of china plates.  One by one, they would stand the sticks upright and start a plate spinning on the top of each one.  The goal was to get them all upright and spinning at once.  They usually would get a few operating, then have to go back to one of the first so assembled, to get it going again.

I feel like one of those performers at this time of year.  No sooner do I start to plant, when I realize I have to water all the plant babies still waiting to go into the ground, and oh! the weeds are starting to get ahead of me over in that bed! and oh my gosh a neighbor saw a Baltimore oriole and I need to set up the feeder! and oh my...

You get the drift.  However, I wouldn't trade the beauty of this season for anything.
At least I have activities I can and should do indoors, like chugging on through posting on tumblr.  Balance, I need it, and maybe this year I'll achieve it.  Maybe.

We watched a sweet movie last night, called Look At Me.  The music in it (a major point of the film), was sublime.  Made me dig out a disc by Cecelia Bartoli.

I can't believe, given how wet it's been so far this growing season, that I had to run the sprinkler a little bit today, on the area I planted.  But it's true, because the process of transplanting is hard on plants.  They need help getting over the shock.  Especially when it's as hot and windy as it was today.

neighbor, gardening, movie

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