Apr 19, 2011 23:35
I'm going to start calling it Holy Hell Week. Because that's what it is to me now.
Yesterday, it was Let's All Run In To Wegmans To Buy The Last Minute Items We Need For Passover, combined with Let's Bitch At The Cashier Because We're In A Foul Mood And Don't Know What Else To Do With It. One woman, when I greeted her with the standard, "Hi. Howarya?" snapped, "Miserable. I mean, isn't every woman today and all this week?" I shit you not. I did not know what to say, honestly. I gather, from her purchases yesterday and those items I've helped her find in the last few days in the aisles, she's Jewish and was faced with preparing a seder and it was a bit more than she felt up to.
But honey, if your traditions are too hard to keep up with, my advice is, ditch them in favor of your own, new ones which you can handle. In other words, if she hasn't asked for help from whatever family members there are, or if they decline, it's her own damn fault for not putting her foot down and refusing to do the whole show herself. And shame on her, furthermore, for taking her negative shit out on a perfect stranger!
On the other hand, the freakin' eight-pound hams are getting on my nerves, too. Who really needs that much meat anymore? How many families are there out there which are large enough to justify that kind of purchase? No, I think it's purely symbolic. This is a ritual we follow. Are we buying this much meat to prove we can? Very probably. Personally, I don't think we need to prove anything any more.
I was put on the most express of express lines today. Seven or under, and sweetheart, it doesn't get more express than that at Wegmans. I fuckin broke a sweat at one point during the day. I was moving that fast, that consistently.
E.T.A.: I can't tolerate salt, have eliminated it from my cooking, so ham is an obscenity. Too. Damn. Salty. Can't stand the taste anymore.
Also, it's just the three of us - my husband, daughter, and I - so that much meat just hangs around like an albatross.
I believe very strongly in Thomas Jefferson's approach to meat: use enough in a dish to provide a taste, that's all. Humans only need enough protein to be equivalent to a bar of soap each day, that's all.
That's also part of the reason I buy meat from Farmers & Artisans: I pay more, but get meat which is flavorful, without excessive seasoning, and I know the animal was raised humanely. I'd rather go without than buy from factory farms.