Demimonde is an erotic science fiction novel-in-stories by Mary Anne Mohanraj, funded through Kickstarter. Deadline: Wed Oct 12! Pledge your support today!
I just pledged. The process is verrrrry easy, especially if you have an account with Amazon. $10 gets you an electronic copy of the book once it is finished, and larger donations get even spiffier prizes!
Mary Anne, an amazing author and a friend, asks
If you like me and/or my writing, please take a few minutes to read this today; I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! If you don't feel like clicking over to her journal, here's the main gist of her entry: I only have one day left 'til my Kickstarter deadline for Demimonde, a book that I'm loving writing (South Asians! with lots of aliens! at a university! on the verge of interstellar war! -- can you tell this is pushing my happy buttons??). I realized, talking to some friends recently, that a lot of folks are still not sure what Kickstarter is, or why I'm doing this, or why I'm asking for your help. So let me explain, as quick as I can.
Kickstarter is a program Amazon runs; they make it easy to pledge money to support a project, usually an arts project. It's a form of crowd-funding -- the idea is that the artist sets a goal, an amount of money they think they need to do a project. They offer various pledge gifts at different donor levels. Then people pledge money, usually over thirty days. If the project meets its goal, then Amazon collects the money, takes 5%, and distributes the rest to the artist. If the project doesn't make its goal, then none of the money is collected, and the artist doesn't get anything.
More details about the stories, the project, & her budget are over at
her journal.
One last snippet from Mary Anne: I've been working steadily on this novel made of linked stories all month, and I think it's going to be something special, not like anything I've seen before; I have four completed stories, and I kind of love them. [I]f you'd like me to e-mail you a .doc file of the book so far, I'd be delighted -- just leave your name and e-mail in the comments below. You can check it out and see exactly what you'd be supporting. (And if you have any suggestions for revision, I'd love to hear them!)