Sadly, one of the two baby doves is dead. It looks like the parents managed to shove it out of the nest after it died, but it got caught on a branch of the fuchsia and is still in the pot. It's very macabre, this mummifying mess of feather and bone twisted in a bizarre position that no living creature would hold. The other little one is still alive, though all I saw was one bright eye and part of a head.
Didn't manage to make 20 points yesterday. The whole day was just an off day. Could have been from too much sugar the day before, or from some uncomfortable self-evaluation I've been doing. Upcoming birthdays always make me contemplative. Add in that I have no clue where I'll be living in another 3 months, and I feel off-kilter. Last night I coped by escaping into the television for several hours, and then reading. Now I'm wanting to beat myself up for that choice, but it's already done and over and it makes more sense to just move on.
I did manage a tasty and relatively healthy dinner last night, if somewhat late. I sauteed some kale with a little olive oil and garlic & cooked up some chicken perogi (sauteed instead of deep fried). I sauced the perogi with some Cuban simmer sauce (from Trader Joe's, as is the perogi), and enjoyed it together with the kale. It were good. Sadly I ended up too full to enjoy the many types of berries filling the fridge, so I plan on having some of those for lunch.
Today is going a little better so far. I'm up, showered, dressed, have had breakfast & cleaned most of the kitchen, all while enjoying my Saturday radio shows. Now that the radio is off I need to phone K2, who is having a really rough time. Her mom is in the Emergency room for the 4th (5th?) time in as many weeks. Then I need to phone
treemonster, to find out if his terminally ill uncle has died yet. Sigh. Also, one of our now-ex-tenants is here, cleaning and painting the apartment downstairs, and he knocks on the door every so often to ask for various tools or whatnot, and to get commiseration for various drama and trouble. (Edit: I forgot one other thing. I just found out that my stepfather's cancer has recurred. He was clear for about 6 months, but now it's back. If I understand my mother's email, they think they've got about a 70% chance of clearing it up again. I sure hope so. In any event, with so many people I care about impacted right now, well, I appreciate any extra good wishes you can offer).
My father is off at a training session so I've got the house to myself for a few more hours. Bliss! First thing I did was to turn off the heat and open a window. After my phone calls I'm going to put on some tunes and scrub the kitchen. The floor in there is able to get grungy so quickly, it's just icky. The dining room needs mopping as well, so I may just go all out in my cleaning frenzy to get this stuff done while dad's not here. Then I want to get out in the sun while the day is still nice.