so much for today

Nov 09, 2004 17:59

The resolve I asked for became irrelevant when a migraine sent me back to bed. Hours disappeared in a haze of sleeping and groggy pain. Cooking myself dinner now. My headache has faded slightly, but the lights of the kitchen and the noise of the fan over the stove are bringing it back. I'd hide in the dark, but I know I need food, so I'm using LJ as a way of distracting myself from the pain.

This means I'll need double resolve for the rest of the week. Missing classes today piled everything higher & deeper, and I hate walking into a class knowing I'm behind.

*takes deep breath*

I have to remind myself it's really trivial in the scheme of things. So what if I'm behind, I can catch up. It'll all happen, and the world doesn't end if it doesn't happen as quickly as I'd like. I just get frustrated, and sometimes overwhelmed. That's not exactly earth shattering. Note to self: small pieces, woman. you can only take one step at a time.

Anyway, I have to go tend my potato curry. I'm busy massacring one of Mary Anne's recipes. Actually, I'm (more-or-less) cooking the recipe given at the very bottom of the page. I've never made this recipe before, yet the very first time I attempt it, I alter it. Yes, I'm bad that way. I view recipes as general guidelines, not rules. In this case, I originally intended to make something else, and switched at the last minute, hence the alterations.

Jeeminy my head hurts. I manage to forget about it here and there, but then it comes back and reminds me.

pain management, recipes, motivation

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