Ugh. Is it morning aready?
Why was I up until 2:00? I was exhausted. More relevant, why did I keep waking before my alarm went off? hmmm. Shower, I think. Then perhaps my eyes will open.
Many weird dreams. The only one I remember at all:
I was in a boarding school/college type school system. Students could do good deeds to earn "bits" (short for "I did my bit"). The bits were proof that a student had taken a pro-active role in the community. Students could then exchange these bits for bahts*. (The phrase "bits for bahts" was used many times in this dream).
There was a student who had somehow made himself very popular, and was (legitimately, but with a (very) slight sense of scam) somehow convincing other students to give him lots of their bits. The exchange rate, while theoretically set, was in fact subject to fan-base economics - some bits were worth more than others. So in my dream the popular student's bits were were worth more to other people. This allowed him to trade one of his bits, especially if it had some sort of significance (like 'first bit earned, or 'bit earned doing popular act'), for a larger number of someone else's bits. The very fact that he had earned so many bits added to his popularity, never mind that it was the other students who were creating this disparity. (This was what added the taint of scam to the whole thing, I think). Oddly, te popular student had not traded in his bits for large numbers of baht, but was engaging largely in the trade of bits for bits, rather than bits for bahts.
Confused yet? I tried to make it make sense. And, yeah, in my dream, while sleeping, I noted that the phrase "his bits were worth more" contained a lot of innuendo. That should tell you something about me.
OK. Life summons. I just wanted to write that down before I forgot it.
*unit of money in Thailand. No, I've never been to Thailand, I just read everything
Jodi &
Allyn write. My brain likes alliteration, I suspect it pulled out "baht" from memories of some recent posts of theirs.