So much for sleeping last night. By the time I went to bed, the planes were already flying out of SJC. I blame
Best of Craig's List, and my current inability to think much beyond the immediate moment.
As to my weekend? Well, here's Friday:
Since I was up all Thursday night, I slept most of Friday, then worked for the hour or two I had left before having to get ready for my date. Had an oops moment when I pulled my mentally-rehearsed outfit out of the closet only to find a major stain on the front of the shirt. I remember spot treating it when I washed it last, but apparently I forgot to double-check the spot was gone before throwing it in the dryer. Mental cursing followed. I don't have much clothing that is appropriate for dinner dates, and refuse to wear an outfit in which I am not comfortable, as that is the surest way I know to look like a dork. A quick scramble gave me an alternate outfit, but left me running about 5 minutes late.
Met date boy...
stop, halt, whoa. I refuse to call him that for the rest of this post, so let's name him... W. It doesn't suit him, but despite my pleas, no one else has offered any suggestions. (The request is still out there, assuming you suggest something sooner than later!)
I met W at
Fiesta del Mar, a yummy local mexican seafood restaurant. I haven't been there in ages, because the prices are too steep. I was grateful not just that he was paying, but that we had sorted out this fact prior to dinner. It allowed me to enjoy the meal without the background worry that I couldn't afford it.
A couple glasses of sangria and some really yummy food (did I mention I hadn't eaten all day?) did wonders to improve my outlook on life. We then headed to the nearest theater for a movie. He let me choose. Bad idea. I have a thing for Will Smith, so I picked
I, Robot.
Is it worth seeing? If (you adore Will Smith/ you just want to spend some time in an air conditioned theater/ you get in free/ you feel compelled to watch all movies that might pass for science fiction/ it is your goal to see all of the summer's action movies) then, sure, go see it.
Best part? Will Smith naked. It happens in the first 10 minutes of the movie. (Additional shots of a scantily clad Mr. Smith are scattered throughout. Smart move).
Worst part? Major & minor plot holes & logic gaps. Bad (or absent) science. A ridiculous number of steals from other movies, without any self-awareness or acknowledgment of doing so. It's an action movie, not a sci-fi movie. If it had just acknowledged this from the beginning, it would be a better movie.
My one, completely positive comment about this movie? Ignoring "gay" movies, or historical war epics, it is the only movie I've seen that has more gratuitous male nudity than it does gratuitous female nudity. Woot!
When W dropped me off back at my car, I mentally dithered over whether or not to attempt to give him a hug or kiss his cheek. In the end, I just said thanks, goodnight, and bolted, with no physical contact. That whole saying goodbye while sitting in a car is just awkward, unless it's someone you've already sucked face with. Because, really, there's no good angle for hugging, so you're kind of stuck with kisses. And I wasn't ready for whatever message that might send.