Sep 11, 2007 21:34
my most silent dispostion has been a dynamic whirlwind of "adverse nostalgia vs. onward marching" since the end of january, but this sinking feeling in my stomach tells me that the fate of such a catastrophic battle may have already been decided for me.
"live for the moment but think of the future."
that fraction of brilliance spilled from his lips so long ago and you wouldn't believe what it's done for me over the last five years, the monumental decisions i've made with that genius line of his in mind, the woman i've become thanks to everything he taught me. like how to be myself, for example.
sometimes i wish i could be seventeen again. things were easy then.
now all i need to do is honestly say goodbye to the "should've, could've, and would'ves" of my life and look forward to moving on with my head held high and my heart intact, ready for a new world.. let the past be just that for once in my twenty years because those people are never coming back (because all the real niggas are either dead or in jail) and i'll never be that girl again. this all means so much more than you will ever know.