Let me introduce myself...and ask a question!

Apr 24, 2012 11:24

I am an English history buff--anything from 1066 to 1603 is what I love, though I freely admit to having a decided leaning towards the Tudors.  I believe in Richard III's basic innocence (at least in regards to his nephews' deaths), love Eleanor of Aquitaine, and have a great fondness for the love stories of John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford and Catherine d'Valois & Owen Tudor.

That all said, I do have a question if anyone can help me.

I recently re-read Sandra Wilson's Alice.  So-so book, though it did have some interesting perspectives on the historical figures.  I was curious about what's listed on the last page--a quote from the Warwick Castle guidebook (I believe) about the Earl of Warwick's death:
"Soon after Gaveston's execution, the Earl [of Warwick] died mysteriously; it has been suggested that he was poisoned by Gaveston's mistress."

Some preliminary research doesn't turn up anything about it except that maybe Edward II had him poisoned.  I'll keep looking, but it seems we have some experts here, with resources I don't have.

Thanks, all!  I look forward to joining the discussions.
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