In my increasing frustration with my roommate (and her cat) and pondering next steps and the possibly of finding a new roommate, I came up with a short quiz to determine compatibility. For amusement purposes, I share--take the quiz to find out if you might be a compatible plant roommate!
Instructions: take the 15 question quiz, noting how many A, B, C & D answers you have. Use the handy chart at the bottom to convert your score.
You've had a lovely dinner and are leaving the table. What do you do with the dishes?
A) Leave them on the table.
B) Pile them in the sink.
C) Rinse and neatly stack on the counter or load in the dishwasher until there's a full load.
D) Wash right away; having a dirty dish on the counter drives me nuts!
After dealing with the dishes above, are there crumbs on the table?
A) I don't think so. Probably not.
B) Maybe.
C) No, I wiped it down.
D) I keep a damp cloth nearby and wipe up crumbs as I eat.
When you pass the perfume counter in the department store, you:
A) Go over and try the samples. I love perfume!
B) Enjoy the fragrances as I walk past
C) Move right along, possibly holding my breath
D) I use a different door, even if it means walking half-way around the building.
A) I have high maintenance or many pets (dogs, a dozen gerbils and three parakeets, etc)
B) I have a low-maintenance pet (fish, etc)
C) I like pets, but I don't want to have any right now / am allergic
D) I was traumatized by a squirrel as a child and can't interact with animals without screaming
Do you like to read?
A) No.
B) I read occasionally.
C) I read a lot.
D) I gave up bathing or sleep to have more time to read.
And after you finish a book?
A) I don't read.
B) I usually get rid of it.
C) Depends-keep the good ones, pass along the ones I didn't enjoy.
D) Allowing a book to leave your possession is a form of heresy.
When was the last time your rent or bills were late?
A) within the last three months
B) not in the last decade
C) never
D) How can anyone not pay their bills on time!?!?
You see a brand new thingamabob. It's shiny. It's exciting. You want it. Do you:
A) Charge it! That's what cards are for!
B) Get it, but I might have to let something else slip to pay for it.
C) Think about it, and buy it later if I still want it.
D) I don't buy things.
How much debt and savings do you have?
A) I try not to think about it.
B) Some of each. Working on reducing the debt and increasing the savings.
C) I have some savings.
D) I keep all my money under my mattress, and don't have loans.
A) Don't bother.
B) Try to. Not always sure what's recyclable.
C) I read the recycling fliers and only put recyclables in the bin.
D) I don't have garbage service-I recycle or compost everything.
What do you watch on TV?
A) Almost everything, but my favorites are….. (continues for ten minutes).
B) I have a couple shows I watch.
C) I don't usually watch TV.
D) TV is evil. Kill your TV!!!
How about religion?
A) People who aren't members of my church are wrong. Or maybe terrorists.
B) Opiate for the masses, but they can if they want.
C) I have my beliefs and respect that you have yours.
D) I developed my own religion and conduct daily services. No converts so far, and running out of chickens.
Regardless of if you do or don't, where do you think it would be appropriate to have sex with your partner?
A) Sex is dirty.
B) My room, but you might want earplugs.
C) My room or at my partner's place. Wherever we won't disturb roommates.
D) The living room, the kitchen, my roommate's bed, the front porch…do I own pants?
Would you say you enjoy learning new things:
A) not at all
B) once in a while; usually too busy
C) almost daily; learning is fun!
D) I am communing with the universe while taking this quiz.
At the end of the day, your biggest problem is:
A) I'm too tired to do anything.
B) I get distracted by hobbies and don't get anything done.
C) I have so many things I want to do and could only finish one.
D) I've had so much caffeine that I vibrate.
10 or more A: Congratulations, you're a normal American! Please stay away from me.
10 or more B: We might work-more discussion needed.
10 or more C: Hi! When can you move in?
10 or more D: You may have gone off the deep end-have you considered therapy?