Stuff I felt like keeping is now in a storage space. Other stuff is in the apartment for Applied Management to dispose of. The funny sidenote is that I was planning on throwing out a lot of things starting in October, in preparation for a move (I had thought I was going to stay one more year, but chances were good I'd go month-to-month come February and move in early Summer when the college kids leave their apartments). So this just accelerated the process. The only additional things I lost were the couch and the microwave.
Packing up the apartment took four and a half hours. Into storage space took another hour. It could have gone more smoothly if I had written up everything I knew was staying or going. In the future I will try to keep an itemized list of everything I own.
I will go to Applied Housing tomorrow and sign the thing that says I am moved out and they can dump whatever is left. I'll also ask (again) for my rent, but will be fine with it being bundled with my security deposit provided it's available on Saturday.
The kids in my office took up a collection and presented me with a chunk of money which a) I would have stopped had I known it was happening, and b) I am very grateful for having because I'm hurting financially at the moment.
I am also set up in my company's corporate apartment for a while. This is an option that was mentioned to me a few weeks ago, but a few weeks ago I was told I could move back into the apartment soon, so I was having fun spending time with friends. Friends are still fun, but I need a bit of stabilization right now. They currently have me in there until 25 November, but I could be kicked out at any moment when a really rich executive doesn't want to drop a half-hour's wage on a hotel.
The plan: move in with Mickey when Clara moves out. Given my abject fear of roommates, I view this as a temporary situation. Mickey hopes to teach me that roommates do not always lead to sudden homelessness, and maybe I'll stay more permanently. I'm not ruling that out, but we'll have to see.
Finally, breathing room. This week I will be free to have my nervous breakdown.