Hey, The White Album Is Pretty Good

Aug 07, 2007 20:58

I haven't heard the Beatles' self-titled ("White") album in years due to inconvenience (I don't play vinyl very often, and my CD copy is a sealed, numbered 30th anniversary edition which I for some reason refuse to open). So I pulled out the vinyl tonight.

The first time I heard it, I was maybe 10 years old. To me, the Beatles were that uninteresting "yeah yeah yeah" band. I don't even know what prompted me to put the record on. Boredom, I guess. "Back In The USSR" cemented my lifelong love affair with the Fab Four. I'm a sucker for music that has a sense of humour. In fact, I don't think I can like a musical artist at all if I think he or she is completely serious. Taking yourself seriously sets you down the road to Hubrisville.

There's still something romantic in vinyl. It's not the warmer sound (that is actually distortion from the medium). It's the physicality. It's watching the grooves spinning. It's getting up every 20 minutes or so to flip it over. It is the crippling fear that this will be the play that wears out my needle and I'll have to go on the years-long search to replace it (or, as I did last time, just got a new phonograph).

So yeah, yeah, yeah. Good little record.

albums, review

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