Originally published at
jaredaxelrod.com. You can comment here or
Oh, folks! This is exciting! Thanks to generous support of the backers of
The Cockroach Strikes! Kickstarter, I have a wealth of Comrade Cockroach comics to share with you. The backers got to enjoy them first, and soon you, too will be able to read the fruits of the “stronger narrative platform” I promised
so long ago. (Man, did I really say I was coming back in 2013? Talk about optimistic.)
What can you expect from these all new adventures in D-list supervillainy? Well, a little of this:
A bit of this:
And, just for fun, plenty of this:
Yeah that’s right. We’re getting some
Dr. Mercury up in this piece.
It all begins March 3rd with Part 1 of The Definition of Insanity! Only at jaredaxelrod.com/cockroach! So spread the word! Tell your friends! Let ‘em know that Comrade Cockroach is going to be back! And better than ever!