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DexCon arrives this weekend. As you may recall,
I conquered Dreamation earlier this year, and expect to the same to Dexcon. I am a part of three spectacular games this year. What games, you cry? I’m glad you asked.
Surely the most notable of the group is the BULLDOGS! LARP, put on by myself, J.R. Blackwell & Brennan Taylor. Here’s the deets from the website:
L0048: “Bulldogs! LARP” by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor & J.R. Blackwell. A WORLD PREMIERE EVENT! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Come ship out with the Bulldogs! in the first-ever Bulldogs! LARP: Sci-fi that kicks ass! Who could be desperate enough to sign his life away for five long years? Desperate enough to take a job hauling volatile and hazardous cargo to the most dangerous places in the galaxy? Planets where the very air is a corrosive acid. Planets where the locals might cut your throat just so they can turn you into a nice steak. Planets where petty thugs and warlords are engaged in constant running gun battles and you’re just as likely to catch a blaster shot in the skull as get a signed delivery manifest. You are, that’s who. Welcome to Bulldogs! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
For my part, I will be playing Captain Chubbs, the Urseminite captain of the TGS Sanders. Since I strive for verisimilitude in all things, I will be operating a life-sized Captain Chubbs puppet, the progress of which you can see on
the Captain Chubbs part of the this website. Yes, it is a LARP with puppet. Who will be shouting orders at you while he smokes.
This is the world I have made, people. You know you want to play in it.