Halloween 2010 - Chilean Miner, complete with Rescue Pod!

Oct 31, 2010 08:52

I went as a Chilean Miner for Halloween this year, with Rescue Pod!

I wore this to the Halloween Party at Casa Wilson on Saturday night, then, around midnight, to the RATL band gig at The Dumpster bar in Lilburn, Georgia, which was having a Halloween Bash.

Thanks to my brother Joe and my friend Ellen for the idea of a Chilean Miner costume.

It's made from 2 32-gallon plastic trashcans. Then I found that, though I could contort to fit in it, I couldn't do it while wearing the hardhat/headlamp, so I had to use 12" from a 3rd 32-gallon trashcan (the red section). The mesh in the window is made from the bag that oranges come in (Thanks for the idea, Karen!). And thanks to Glenn, Michael, JD, Bert, and various friends (I polled a bunch of people who weren't going to be at the party Saturday) for their suggestions during the construction.

The bottom is cut out, so it's got limited mobility. Basically, I walked/waddled it into the party as a sort of costume-delivery system, then emerged in miner garb.
If you haven't seen it, here's a Chilean Miner Rescue Game (Requires Flash).


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